
The Zakat System Was introuduced through out of the country with the vision to eliminate the poverty and provide assistance to the marginalized and deprived population of the country. It was introduced as first step to achive the goal of a Welfare State in one hand and to implement the 4th pillar of Islam on the other.
Zakat fund is provide to an adult Muslim living below poverty line whose monthly income is rs.670/- or less with special performance to:-
i) Widows
ii) Disabled
iii) Orphans
iv) Unemployed
The Zakat Funds are provided for the under mentioned purpose.
1. Guzara Allowance.
2. Educational Stupends.
3. Stipends to Deeni Madaris
4. Health Care.
5. Social Welfare.
6. Marriage Assistance.
7. Special Grant for Eid.
Distribution of Zakat and Ushr in Balochistan.
The Government of Pakistan promulgated Zakat and Ushr Ordinance, 1980 on 20th June, 1980, corrected upto May, 1997, which extends to whole of Pakistan and stands agmended up to May, 1997.
The Zakat system has been decentralized with effect from 1st July, 1997, subsequently the Provincial Government have established a Provincial Zakat councial in October, 1997 for a term of three years heded by a Judge of Balochistan High Court as its Chairman, nominated by the Non' able Governor, in consultation with Chief Justice of the High Court, to exercise general superintendence and control over matter relating ot Zakat and Ushr praticularly disbursement of Zakat Funds through 2819 Local |
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