
To release the bueget amount to the districts on the basis of population received from Central Zakat Fund. To release the amount as Guzara Allowance, Education Stipend, Techinical Institute, Dene Madrasas and the students reading in different Colleges, Universities, Medical and Engineering Colleges (Professional Colleges) through the respective authorities.
These distribution will finalized by the DZCs Meettings held by the Minister, Scretary Chairman Provincial Zakat Council and District Zakat Officers. After a complete procedure these funds are relased to districts and other concerned authorities to facilitate the deservings people and needy students.
50% Zakat to be allocated for vocational skills
By Mona Khan
ISLAMABAD—The Ministry of Zakat and Ushr is mulling to spend 50 percent amount of the allocated Zakat fund on vocational training, what policy makers said, would transform the deserving class from dependence to self-reliance.
The federal government allocated Rs. 7914.536 million to all the four provinces, FATA, NAs and Islamabad in 2009-10 budget.
A number of vocational training institutes are being set up in different parts of the country aimed at making the needy and poor segment of the society as useful citizens.
Keeping in view the hardships and problems of needy segment of the society, the Ministry took several measures to mitigate their sufferings during the last two years.
The ceiling for free medical treatment is Rs. 2000 for indoor and Rs. 1000 for outdoor patients and the Central Zakat Council (CZC) has enlisted 194 hospitals of national level throughout the country. As many as 66952 deserving patients were treated in various hospitals.
The annual Zakat grant for hospitals and health institutions witnessed a record upsurge as it was enhanced from Rs. 24.600 million to Rs. 50.600 million. The CZC of the Ministry increased the relief grant for District Headquarters Hospital Rawalpindi from Rs. 4 million to Rs. 5 million, the grant for Holy Family Hospital
Rawalpindi was enhanced from the existing Rs. 4.400 million to Rs. 6.600 million.
The grant for Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital was also doubled as it was increased from Rs. six million to Rs. 12 million. The share of Layton Rahmatullah Benevolent Trust Karachi was increased from Rs. 6 million to Rs 12 million, while for Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre Karachi from Rs 4.200 million to Rs. 15 million. While the Central Zakat Council annually allocates an appropriate amount for treatment of deserving patients in the national level hospitals.
As part of its efforts to lessen the sufferings of affectees of natural calamities and to eradicate poverty and unemployment from the country, the ministry every year earmarks hefty amounts besides providing stipends to needy students in various vocational and educational institutions. The ministry also releases every year Zakat funds in the shape of relief grants to the poor deserving patients.
Soon after coming into power the PPP-led government had expressed its commitment to take concrete steps for raising the living standard of common man and for that it allocated sufficient amount in various sectors, including health and education.
Sixty percent of the budget for regular Zakat programmes was allocated for Guzara allowance under which Rs. 500 are being disbursed to each "Mustahiq" (deserving), including widows, disabled, unemployed and one who is not a habitual beggar. At least 241,011 deserving families are taking benefit from the "Guzara Allowance."
The ministry allocated eight percent of the budget under the "Marriage Assistance" programme in which Rs. 10,000 are granted to a 'Mustahiq' unmarried woman as one-time grant by the Local Zakat Committee. As many as 5,986 deserving unmarried women have so far been granted the financial assistance to the needy. Zakat funds are being distributed among the provinces on population basis and under the formula Punjab gets 55 percent of the funds, Sindh 23 percent, NWFP 13 percent, Balochistan 4.9 percent and FATA around 2 percent.
The CZC also grants funds to the provinces for disbursement of Zakat among the needy and deserving, stipends to religious institutions, eid grants, maintenance allowance and leprosy patients. The provinces submit their reports to the Central Zakat Council, Ministry of Zakat and Ushr about the disbursement of Zakat funds being provided to them.
The Ministry is considering a proposal of health insurance, aimed at providing all necessary medical care to deserving and destitute people at their door-step. The Takaful Pakistan Limited, an Islamic Insurance Company has recently offered its services to Ministry of Zakat and Ushr in health insurance sector.
Under the insurance policy, deserving people would be able to get better medical treatment from the hospitals of their choice by showing health cards.
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